
Showing posts from December, 2023


  When you are ready to print a document, you can click the File tab above, point to Print, and then click Print. Word then uses your computer’s default printer and the settings specified in the Print dialog box. To use a different printer or change the print settings, you click the File tab, and then click Print to open the Print dialog box. You can then specify which printer to use, what to print, and how many copies, and you can make other changes to the settings. Before you print a document, you almost always want to check how it will look on paper by previewing it. Previewing is essential for multi-page documents but is helpful even for one-page documents. To preview a document, you click the File tab, point to Print, and then click Print Preview. This view shows exactly how each page of the document will look when printed. Word displays a Print Preview tab on the Ribbon to provide tools for checking each page and adjusting if you don’t like what you see. By using the buttons


One interesting option is AutoCorrect. Click the button at the top of the Proofing dialogue box that says AutoCorrect Options. You'll see this dialogue box: On the AutoCorrect tab, you can see a lot of inbuilt options have been checked. So, Word will, for example, automatically capitalize days of the weeks for you as soon as you press the space bar on your keyboard. The area at the bottom, "Replace text as you type", has also been checked. What this means is that if you were to type a colon followed by a left round bracket Word will change the two characters into a smiley face. If you don't want Word doing this, select that option from the list. Then click the Delete button. However, you can use the Replace feature to your advantage. If, for example, you didn't want to keep typing your full name all the time, you can type say two characters into the Replace box. In the With  box, type your name, as in the image below: After you click the Add button, your text


  One thing you probably will have noticed is the spelling mistakes in the letter. You should have typed the letter exactly as it was, and left any spelling errors in. More than likely, the spelling mistakes are underlined in red in your document. Anything with a wiggly green line under it is a grammatical error, (or what Microsoft Word insists is a grammatical error). The easiest way to correct spelling mistakes is to right click any word that has a red wavy underline. You'll then see a menu appear: In the image above, we've clicked with the right-hand mouse button on the incorrectly spelt "council". The menu that appears shows three alternative words: counsel, council, and counsels. We meant council, of course. Click this option with your left mouse button to replace the misspelt word. The red wavy underline will disappear. (Incidentally, don't worry about the box that appears above the menu as we'll get to formatting options in a later section.) Do the


  If you haven't already done so, open your Library Complaint letter. With the file open, do the following: Position your cursor so that it is flashing before the letter "D" of "Dear sir or Madam.” Hit the Enter key on your keyboard about 5 or six times. This will give you a bit of room to type the address. We'll get rid of any unnecessary space later. Your letter should now look something like this one.   Move your cursor right up to the top, to the first line. Type in Mr Irate's address. It's this: Mr. Irate 12 High Street Ever crease. EV1 EV1 If you have too much space between the postcode and "Dear Sir or Madam" you can remove it by doing this: Position your cursor so that it is flashing before the letter "D" of "Dear sir or Madam.” Hit your Backspace key a few times to get rid of any unwanted blank lines. Your text will move up one line with


We'll shortly add an address to the top of our Library Complaint letter. Before we do that, we'll learn how to open a file. After all, you might have closed Microsoft Word, or your computer might have crashed. The result being that you no longer have your library letter loaded into Word. So, here's how to open a file you have saved, and want to work on again. In Word 2021, click the File tab in the top left of Microsoft Word: In all Word versions, the Open dialogue box appears, and looks like the image below: The Open dialogue box looks very similar to the Save As dialogue box. Notice, though, that the File name text box is blank. If you can't see your document in the Documents Library section, you can click where it says All Word Documents. You'll then see a list of file types that can be opened with Microsoft Word This is the same list you saw with the Save As dialogue box, under Save as Type. So if you don't see your file displayed, remember to display this


  a)   Highlighting Blocks Of Text This one is a little trickier, but not too tricky. To highlight a block of text, do the following: Ø   Click at the start of the block of text you want to highlight. (For practice purposes, click just before the letter "I" of "It has come …" on the first line.) Ø   Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard (The Shift keys are the ones with the block arrows on them, pointing upwards. You hold down a shift key if you want a capital letter.) Ø   With the Shift key held down, click your left mouse button at the end of the block of text you want to highlight. (Click after the question mark of " … premature?") Ø   A block of text will be highlighted. b)   Highlight by dragging. This is another tricky one, when you're starting out. A bit of practice, though, and you'll soon master it. To highlight some text by dragging, do the following: Ø   Click with your left mouse button at the start of the t